Karate history

Karate history

空手 is a kind of martial art belonging to the Ryukyu Islands, which is today located in Okinawa, Japan

This field is based on the combination of local and local warfare techniques in the area known as the Te (literally meaning: hand) with Chinese martial arts, known in Japan as Congo

Karate is a martial art based on knocking out blows, Fist, Kick, knee and elbow Hand-opened techniques Like a knife hand

 In some styles grapple techniques, Inhibition, throwing and hit points are also taught. Students in this field are called karateka

The evolution of karate occurred until the nineteenth century on the Ryukyu Islands before joining the territory of Japan. In the early 20th century, a cultural exchange between Ryukyu and Japan was introduced to the mainland of Japan. In 1922, the Japanese Ministry of Education invited Gichin Funakoshi (the founder of modern karate) to showcase Karate to Tokyo. In 1924, the University of Qiwi established the first karate academy club, and by 1932 all major universities in Japan had established karate clubs. At a time when Japanese militarism was at the peak, the name of the field changed from a literal meaning of “chicness hand” to the term “empty hand”. Of course, both words are pronounced karate. This change reflected the Japanese passion for introducing the field as a Japanese martial art. After World War II, Okinawa became a major military base in the United States, and karate practitioners became popular among the military

The martial arts films of the 1960s and 1970s contributed greatly to increasing the popularity of karate and led to the opening of karate clubs in many parts of the world. Shiharu Agami, master of Shotokan, believes that most karate students in other countries pursue karate is for their combat techniques only … Film and TV shows Karate is like as a magical way to fight that can kill or injure an opponent in one eye.  The mass media introduce a bogus art that is far from reality. “Karate can be described as an inner battle or a marathon that lasts forever, and success is only possible through self-restraint, hard work, and creative initiatives,” said Nicosia

For many students karate is a profound philosophical exercise. Karate-two teaches ethics and can have a spiritual aspect for its followers. Today karate is learned for personal perfection, personal defense, and as a sport. Karate is at the Olympics, World Games, and Asian Games. During the International Olympic Committee’s polls on August 4, 2016, it won the majority of votes for the Olympics and will be recognized as an Olympic academy and will enter the Olympic Games in Japan in the 2020 Olympic Games. The Japan Web site of the Japanese Foreign Ministry website estimates that the number of karate students around the world is around 50 millio
